
The Scandinavian Prison Project is an international, interdisciplinary research project focused on documenting the development, implementation and impact of a groundbreaking prison reform initiative led by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections in ongoing collaboration with the correctional services in Sweden (Kriminalvården) and Norway (Kriminalomsorgen). The academic team is led by researchers from Drexel University and the University of Oslo who draw on comparative criminology and rigorous evaluation approaches to understand the impact of the project on both staff and residents. The ultimate goal is to advance the field of corrections through evidence-based approaches to incarceration, focusing on humanity and dignity for those who live and work in prisons.

Be part of the project

Your support is invaluable in helping us bring Scandinavian principles of integrity, rehabilitation, and hope to the North American correctional system. Together, we can reshape the narrative around incarceration, giving individuals the chance to rebuild their lives, contribute meaningfully, and realize their full potential.