The Research

Our work draws on several methodological approaches and theoretical traditions to answer fundamental questions about the nature and impact of punishment. Our research is very much a work in progress, and some of our main research areas include:

International correctional exchanges

Comparative policy analysis

Prison reform

Correctional officer well-being

Prison climate

Prison misconduct

Reoffending and reentry

The Evaluation

One of the main goals of the Scandinavian Prison Project is to assess the impact of the Little Scandinavia unit on both in-prison outcomes (such as prison climate and misconducts) and post-release outcomes (such as employment and future offenses).

To achieve this, incarcerated people are assigned to the unit based on a lottery system. This means that all eligible incarcerated people have an equal chance of moving to the Little Scandinavia unit.

In addition to facilitating a robust research process, this approach is arguably more fair than handpicking people and it ensures that the men on Little Scandinavia are representative of the population at SCI Chester as a whole.

To assess the myriad impacts of the reform beyond what can be glanced from administrative data, the research team conducts regular surveys of the incarcerated population and interviews staff and residents on the unit to better understand the lived experience of the people living and working there.


Select academic publications

Chanenson, S. L., J. M. Hyatt & S. N. Andersen (in press). Embracing Dignity: Pennsylvania’s Experiment with Scandinavian Correctional Principles. In Eisen, L.-B. & W. J. Brennan (Eds.) Punitive Excess. New York: Columbia University Press.

Horowitz, V. L., E. R. Greberman, P. E. Nolan, J. M. Hyatt, C. Uggen, S. N. Andersen & S. L. Chanenson (2021). A Comparative Perspective on Officer Wellness: American Reflections from Norwegian Prisons. Criminal Justice Studies, 34(4): 477-497.

Hyatt, J. M., S. N. Andersen, S. L. Chanenson, V. Horowitz & C. Uggen (2021). «We Can Actually Do This”: Adapting Scandinavian Correctional Culture in Pennsylvania. American Criminal Law Review, 58(4): 1715-1746.

Hyatt, J. M., S. N. Andersen, V. Horowitz & H. G. N. Lopez (2023). Correctional Officers, the Carceral Environment and Reentry: Perspectives from the U.S. and Scandinavia. Advancing Corrections Journal, 15: 101-114.

Others writings

Andersen, S. N. (2022). The Scandinavian prison project: What happens when Scandinavian correctional principles and practices travel to the US? NSfK blog post, May 19, 2022.

Chanenson, S. L., S. N. Andersen, J. M. Hyatt, A. Høidal, K. Eason & P. Connor-Council (2021). “Ice in the Stomach”: Reforming Prisons at Home and Abroad. Annotated Transcript. American Criminal Law Review, 58(4): 1755-1789.

Hyatt, J. M. & S. N. Andersen (2022). A Pennsylvania prison gets a Scandinavian-style makeover – and shows how the US penal system could become more humane. The Conversation, October 7, 2022.